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ggvdfgdfgr : FDFDSFSDF


** ब्लॉग साझा करें **

सामान्य सूचना


निर्माण: 28/05/2010 03:34
अद्यतन: 28/05/2010 03:34
लेख 1
छवियाँ 1
सप्ताह के दौरे 2887
कुल का दौरा 520

ggvdfgdfgr :: FDFDSFSDF

अन्य ब्लॉग: asdsads | fgvdgvdfgdf ... | ...

United States - aass
स्थिति: 232/56779 सदस्य

आइटम से सबसे पुराना सबसे हाल ही में करने के लिए हल कर रहे हैं!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Atlantica Random Boxes - 28/05/2010 03:34

Atlantica Random Boxes
Since the random boxes in Atlantica are basically electronic slots, they may be illegal under Federal Law in the United States. At the very least they violate several laws that state that you must make the public aware of the odds for any sort of gambling whether the prize is for monetary gain or not.

Since the boxes are as mentioned electronic slots, that constitutes gambling under several statutes. Basically they have managed to survive in the United States with out any filing a complaint with the state and federal Departments of Justice.

We think in the near future you will see the random boxes disappear due to this. Whether they will be forced to pay restitution of any sort to their clients will be determined by a judge but this could actually break the game in the long run. Good game but random boxes odds are higher than 1:50 for the main items they advertise. Further more they offer sales items stating that purchase will give them items(Atlantica Gold), but in stead they receive random boxes.

Either way if you are new, steer away from buying boxes from this company just because they are basically a rip off leveraged to make Ndoor more money in a unethical manner. This post was done on Atlanticaonline forums and then removed by them with in 15 minutes. LOL. Of course they deleted the thread without any notice as soon as it was seen by moderation.

This represents a far more potential danger than some troll or angry customer, it is within their rights to do that on their private forums, though we are talking about a company avoiding any risks(actual risks here, if this issue has been going unchecked at its most arbitrary manner to a higher level(Atlantica Powerleceling).